Summer Halibut Fishing in Røst, Lofoten : An Epic Adventure

Publicerad 1 augusti 2024 | Skriven av frederic Jullian
Summer Halibut Fishing in Røst, Lofoten Islands: An Epic Adventure.Summer Halibut Fishing in Røst

Nestled in the Lofoten Islands of northern Norway, Røst fishing camp, located on one of the archipelago’s most secluded islands, offers a unique and exhilarating summer halibut fishing experience. 

Why Choose Røst Fishing Camp for the summer adventure?

Røst fishing camp is celebrated for its fish-rich waters, especially abundant with halibut. Our catch statistic on Halibut are getting better and better for the last 4 years now. Situated at the end of the Lofoten archipelago, Røst benefits from a confluence of ocean currents. This current bring food that attract a large diversity of fish. For years now, we promote and encourage catch and release. The biggest specimen (over 150 cm) must be protected as the most valuable breeders with the best genetics. No wonder that the camp provides a battleground for triumph and determination. Jonas Skörd and Steven Ekvall  surely can testify it, with the encounter of a mighty halibut. Biggest halibut this year, read the story!

Ideal Summer Conditions

Summer at Røst provides idyllic conditions for halibut fishing. The continuous daylight of the midnight sun allows for virtually round-the-clock fishing. It gives anglers time to immerse themselves in the experience. The mild temperatures enhance the enjoyment, making it accessible even for novice anglers.

Summer in Røst provides idyllic conditions for halibut fishing

Imagine standing on the deck of your boat, surrounded by the stunning scenery of the Lofoten Islands. The sky is a canvas of colors, reflecting off the crystal-clear waters.

Lures and Baits useful information:

A unique and exhilarating summer halibut fishing experience. 

To maximize your halibut fishing success in Røst, here are some useful information for Lures and Baits selection. I recommend to use medium to large shads, which are exceptionally effective in these waters. Personally, I mostly use shad tail vibrations; like the Illex Dexter shad. In size 25 cm with a big jig head and for more attraction a small blade placed on the belly. Large grub tail are very popular as well. I believe the constant vibrations of the tail is specially effective when the stream is weak and the drift speed low.

 Over the years I have noticed that using lighter head increase the quantity of strikes

 Adjust the weight of your tackle to match the current, generally between 100 and 300 grams. It’s very important to understand that Halibut are great hunters and that they feed as well in pelagic waters. But their specific morphology plays a big role in their way of hunting preys. Over the years I have noticed that using lighter head increase the quantity of strikes. Lighter lures mean slower fall and more gliding action, I believe that’s the key to trigger more Halibut.

Dead bait drifting above the bottom is also an effective technique, especially when the fishing is slow. 

Halibut are great hunters

Pursuing Big Specimens

Røst Fishing Camp is renowned for producing halibut around 50 kilos

Røst Fishing Camp is renowned for producing halibut around 50 kilos (150 cm). Catching giants up to 70 kilos (170 cm) is not rare, even without venturing far from shore. Røst boasts well-marked fishing spots with varying currents, ensuring a rich supply of extraordinary fish. Pursuing Big Specimens, this season we have already released 2 fish over 165 kg (220 cm). For amateur anglers, this means remarkable catches can be achieved without navigating far away from the camp in open sea. Time is fish, having short travel save you from expensive ride and gives you extended hours on the water.

Sylvain’s intense one-hour battle

The feeling of the midnight sun on your back as you reel in a massive halibut is indescribable. It’s a mix of excitement, and a deep connection to nature,” recounts Sylvain. “Every moment was a battle of wills, with the fish testing my endurance and skill.” Sylvain first halibut was an impressive mammoth of 205 cm, that set a high bar for his next personal best. See the full story here

Sylvain’s intense one-hour battle with his first monster Atlantic halibut. Demonstrating the sheer power and excitement of confronting these giants with light gear. “We worked as a team with Frédéric, each moment filled with anticipation and adrenaline. Seeing that massive halibut emerge from the depths was a sight I’ll never forget. There’s a deep respect for these magnificent creatures. Watching them swim away, knowing they’ll continue to thrive, is incredibly rewarding,” says Sylvain.

 Capturing the Action: stunning footage of halibut

 Check this stunning footage of a halibut chewing on the lure. Providing a unique perspective on their ability to be picky sometimes. This underwater video showcases the sheer power and agility of these magnificent halibut as they strike. It’s offering a rare glimpse into the underwater world that anglers seldom see. 

successful halibut fishing

Join us, embark on a successful halibut fishing adventure in Røst.

Successful halibut fishing

Embark on a successful halibut fishing adventure in Røst, understanding the behavior of these fish and preparing adequately is crucial. Summer conditions are perfect for exploring the bountiful waters around Røst fishing camp. Halibut flourish in this rich and stream my high grounds around the island. Using effective lures and strong equipment will maximize your chances of capturing these impressive, mammoth fish. Discover the allure of Røst Island, an unparalleled haven for epic halibut fishing in Norway. The stunning marine life of Røst makes it the ultimate destination for fishing enthusiasts seeking to encounter the catch of a lifetime.

Enthusiasts seeking to encounter the catch of a lifetime

Contact us today to start planning your own halibut fishing adventure in the captivating Røst waters. Your epic catch awaits!
