Shark Attack

Publicerad 15 augusti 2022 | Skriven av Henric Wigren

A Friends and family week. 
Summer holidays at their best in Rost fishing camp. What a dream for all of us to share our passion through generations. We were so happy to host a complete “tribe” for their fishing holydays, grandmother and grandfather, father, daughter, sons, brothers, sisters, and friends.
You know it’s going to be special when while checking in you already see the kids making their first cast in the harbour. Tell me about hardcore fishermen! Despite the bad weather conditions, they did not give up and took every opportunity to get out, even late in the evening/night. And they get rewarded for their commitment.  Nice cods 15 kg up, big coalfish on buster jerk, some really good size Halibut, full of action we can say. But that was not enough, Young Linus got the visit of the “taxman” right when he was about to lift his cod on board. A big Porbeagle shark dispute the meal and grab his share before hitting the fathers’ line at the bow of the boat. Following a 5 min epic fight before loosing it. This week was special with 4 shark attacks at the boat reported by different groups and one Tuna grabbing is meal when the captain was landing a 3 kg coalfish. Yes, you read right, some tuna were on the spot this week.
Stay tune as more incredible stories are coming.
Frédéric JULLIAN
Tel. : +33 6 10 45 51 63 
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